Monday, February 8, 2016


Heidi I think you should consider making a commercial. "I'm squatting
and I can't get up!" I'm glad the international messaging worked out
Lisa. Here's another random connection for you. Elder Nearon (who
trained my bro Elder Racine from my mtc district) is currently in some
sort of email correspondence with the sister of your German friend.
Pretty weird. I like your thought mom, it's like the 4th missionary
talk-thing. If we want change, peace, happiness, or whatever, than we
gotta stop fighting against He who wants to bring us change, peace,
happiness and whatever. That's awesome that you got in contact with an
old companion Dad. Keep up the tips, Joey, I need em. At what point
did you come to that conclusion, that fat people are people too?

So this week was kind of all over the place. Wednesday we went on
exchanges, so me and Elder Vellinga from Tiergarten rocked it up in
Neukölln. The day before a less active member kind of panicked and let
us know that he was planning to leave the church. We met with him and
were able to have a really good discussion. He felt that because of a
mistake he made that there was no hope for him; that because he acted
against what he knows to be true he's going to be punished. We talked
about how naturally sin has its consequences, but we can never go so
low that God won't forgive and help us, and allow us to repent. Jesus
Christ already suffered the punishment, so that we don't have to. He
still has his doubts, but he came to church on Sunday and made out an
appointment with the bishop.

After the exchange, rather than reuniting with Elder Burns, I came
back with Elder Schofield from Marzahn to ward choir practice (our
investigator Eckehart comes every week), while Elder Burns went to do
a baptismal interview with Elder Nearon in Marzahn. After choir we
rushed back to meet with the other Elders and spent the night in
Marzahn. The next morning Elders Burns and Nearon went to a leadership
training meeting while me and Elder Schofield stayed in the apartment.
They've been having problems with their bathroom and kitchen, so we
had to stay there while some worker dudes tried to fix it. We then
went back to Neukölln to do a joint teach with the Sisters, since they
can't meet alone in the church with a male investigator. They ended up
not needing us, because they brought two sisters whose companions were
also at the leadership training meeting (they tried to let us know but
Elder Burns had the phone). So we had a pretty awesome 6 missionaries
vs 1 investigator lesson. The guy took it pretty well, haha. It could
have potentially been a pretty intimidating situation for him. To add
to that, one of the Sisters there was Sister (Jennica) Baird from
Timpview, who apparently got called to this mission like a month after
I left. Soooo flippin crazy. After that we went to Tiergarten to pick
up our companions and FINALLY, Friday night me and Elder Burns were
back in Neukölln together. Just the process of writing all that was
exhausting, let alone experiencing it :).

Other highlight is that we got to teach Marcel, the former
investigator we started meeting with last week. The guy is out of this
world. The Gospel is putting together a puzzle in his mind that he
didn't even know there was a solution to. He believes, and wants to
move forward, but work and a not so supportive family are holding him
back. But God will provide a way.

Hope y'all have an awesome week!

Elder Larsen

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