Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The One Without a Jacket

Yeah bro, fortunately the chances of any love sign referring to me is
about zero.  Also, I don't suppose any of those sledding fans of yours were
babes, were they? That's pretty awesome that the Provo Temple is up
and ready to go. The Freiberg Temple here in Germany should reopen in
August or so, which will be super nice. Both temples here are
currently under renovation. Funny that you mentioned the suits mom.
You may be interested to hear that one unfortunate day as I was
putting my suit jacket on I heard an unpleasant ripping noise. The
zipper of the pants belonging to the same suit also managed to I've been surviving with one suit. The next pday that we go
shopping I'll start the search for something new. My respect for ctr
clothing is pretty low...or maybe I really am just a fatty. If that's
the case, then perhaps I'll be able to learn the same lesson you've
learned Joey. Maybe fat people are people after all. That drawing is
pretty jinking awesome. Heidi, you better have put that little girl in
the chokey. Back in my day teachers didn't tolerate such disrespect.
Or pigtails. Don't let Steve work too hard. If I'm lucky dad, I'll be
able to attend the Mormon tabernacle choir thing. Just depends on if I
stay in Berlin. It would be awesome though, cause Marcel bought
tickets and is going with his family.

Another good week, again kind of all over the place. On Wednesday we
had an exchange with the Berlin Spanish Elders. I went with Elder
Fitch into their program, which basically meant (once again) wandering
around Berlin searching for last names on doorbells that look Spanish.
In the evening we had an appointment with a less active that
unfortunately fell out. It would have been cool to practice my
pathetic amount of Spanish. Although, according to duo lingo, I'm 52%
fluent in Spanish (in reality I'm probably about 5% fluent). We then
had a Spanglish. lesson about the restoration with one of their
investigators, which went really well. At the end Elder Fitch asked
him to say the closing prayer and he was like "No, please no." But
after a little pressure he did it. Seems pretty small, but if people
don't make prayer a habit they ain't ever getting a testimony.

After the exchange we had zone conference. The zone has seen a lot of
change since I've been here, a lot of my old buds are off in other
parts of Germany now, including a Elder Racine from the mtc district.
It's always a lot of fun getting together with big groups of
missionaries, but there is also a bit of a high schoolish feeling to
it. Anywho, the focus of the conference was the theme this year,
teaching repentance and baptizing faithful converts (not sure if
that's exactly what the English version of it is, but close enough).
President Fingerle taught us about the importance of helping people
make restitution in the repentance process, which was really good. Not
something I had put a ton of thought into before when teaching about

Bus Ride with Schwester Tyx
Also this week, we spent quite a bit of time with a less active old
lady, who's house is something of a wreck. She's about as hilarious as
old ladies come. We went to go help her buy paint, and when we took
the bus she insisted that we all go (keep in mind this is a
hunch-backed old lady who has trouble walking) to the very back of the
bus, so we could all sit together. After getting to our stop we had to
cross the street. So rather than find a crosswalk ol Schwester Tyx
slowly walked right across the busy street, followed by 4 bemused
missionaries. It was quite the adventure. Oh and also, the first time
we met she chastised me for not wearing a jacket. And since then I'm
now "the one without a jacket." "When was the birthday of that one
without a jacket?" "Did the one without a jacket get enough to eat?"
Pretty great, haha.

Other than that, things in Neukölln are pretty normal. This week we'll
finally be able to stay here (no exchanges or conferences) which
should be nice for the work. Life is the bomb, the gospel is true and
God is our loving Heavenly Father. Have an awesome week!

Elder Larsen

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