Monday, February 1, 2016


Well bro, at this rate that's probably the kind of girl I'm gonna
marry. Been out for 4 months and I've already gained 16 pounds.
I'm with you though, bro. The first 12 hard weeks have made
these last couple weeks pretty sweet. Lisa, you should find out a way
to send me that talk. We have a similar talk in our apartment about
consecrated missionaries that's pretty awesome. I'm excited to hear
the true Lisa has finally been unleashed. The world better watch out.
Well, well, well, if it isn't Wouard. Good to hear things are going
well. That's a pretty crazy story, couldn't apply more to missionary
life. So many rules and so many ways to stretch them. But getting on
the wrong path can lead to consequences that can harm your entire
future. Joey, I've had similar feelings this week. One of our
investigators "is working out to be tons of work and very difficult to
work with." But Elder Burns and especially the Lord will be
instrumental in helping me through it (tehee, but really though). I'm
not sure about the 10 commandments thing, though it reminded me of a
finger thing we did in US history for learning the bill of rights.
Also: mortal kombat. Also also: the package would be nice around
Juneish I think. Your perspective is interesting Mom. You saw a
patient and compliant "sweet boy," where I see a lazy, unhelpful,
selfish boy. Things that I hope to be rid of after 2 years. Eventually
you'll have to get that hillbilly selfie Mom. Don't lose the
opportunity! Yeah Dad, typically we go out earlier now. It's actually
quite the refresher. With the extra hour of comp study and then
language study and lunch, it seemed to take ages before we got
outside. Gospel Study is going well. Elder Burns suggested that I
switch my personal study to 100% German, which is taking a little bit
of time to adjust to. Memorizing scriptures is definitely something I
need to start doing better. Every week at district meeting we're going
to start sharing a memorized scripture, which should help a lot.

So we had quite the week this week. Hours of finding and hundreds of
people, with seemingly little success. On the bright side it means we
get a looooot of practice. Either way, God definitely blessed us in
other ways. We started meeting with a former investigator who's
basically one of the the coolest people I've met in Germany so far. He
lives like a member, he believes the Book of Mormon is true, and he
wants to be baptized. He had met with the missionaries a few years
ago, but lost interest because he refused to accept that one church
could have the fullness of truth. Well the Lord has been working with
him, and he seems to be very ready to make progress. Still some
foreseeable obstacles, but this guy has tons of potential.

We also had quite the tender mercy at church yesterday. This guy
randomly came in right before Sunday School and wanted to meet with
us. After a hard past he wants to change his life...well, he came to
the right place! We had a solid lesson with the restoration and we'll
be meeting again this week. Also this week, we spent a nice chunk of
Saturday helping a member move. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but I
did find it interesting how back at home helping someone move on a
Saturday was basically the last thing I'd want to do. But on a
mission, nothing could be better! Though it would have been a wee bit
nicer if the lady didn't live on the top floor of her apartment. After
maneuvering down 2 couches, my arms could hardly even handle a few

Anywho, keep rockin on y'all. Focus on the good, fight against the
bad, and keep making the world a better place.

Elder Larsen

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