Monday, October 3, 2016

Keeping Things Real in Werdau

Well Mom, I used the word hypothetically because I haven't stayed a full transfer in an area since my days in Stadthagen, but yeah, I'm quite sure I'll be staying for another 6 weeks in Werdau. Also happy Burfday, as my last email got cut short I forgot to add anything to my sass about whose birthday it was. Lisa, don't hope too hard that I get comfortable in my new area. When I start getting comfortable is typically when I get a surprise phone call telling me I'm going somewhere else, haha. I hear you Andy, I've gotten more out of the last 3 general conferences than I got in my first 30...possibly. I don't know bro, are there even going to be any girls to impress with this 60 meter rappel? I'm excited to read your success stories Joey, as you bring the nerds of the world to a knowledge of the Gospel. In terms of food being edible, not much to worry about there, though in Germany there is an unfortunate lack of delicious American desserts. Seems like 90% of the desserts here are some sort of fruity concoction. Well Dad, sounds like you also had a good time on Mom's birthday. I've had a couple of gyros here, though I'm afraid they can't compete with the Turkish food they've got here.

It feels good to finally be able to write emails on Monday again. For whatever reason everyone in this country seems to only be able to meet on Mondays, so we've had to ask President Fingerle several times to change pday to Tuesday.

 Anywho, it's been quite the exciting week. On Monday and Tuesday we met with a new convert Peter and his wife Beate, who is currently (as of today) working toward the 5th of November to be baptized. She's pretty awesome. Despite having lost her faith during the difficult times after World War 2, she's excited to reclaim her faith and follow Jesus Christ.

Then on Wednesday we met for the first time with an investigator who was found by the missionaries about a year ago, named Mrs. Putschli. She had wanted to be baptized in the past but because of health problems and the elders leaving Werdau, things died down a little bit. We were finally able to meet with her; she said she believes that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and wants to be baptized, so we set a date for the 29th of October. However a few days ago we discovered that the 29th is stake conference, but we should be able to work things out. Lots of miracles happening in this city.

Friday we went with Peter to the Freiberg temple, where he was able to do baptisms for the dead for the first time. He really enjoyed it and is looking forward to the day that he'll be able to be sealed to his wife in the temple. Pretty stinkin legit. Elder Earl and I were able to do a session in German, which was awesome.

Then of course the weekend was full of General Conference! I'm still trying to sort through everything, but the main things on my mind from it right now are prayer, joy and increasing my faith in the power of teaching others the plan of salvation. It's crazy how blessed we are to have living Prophets and Apostles who receive revelation from God as to what messages we need to hear. I love it.

Anyway, have an awesome week!

Elder Larsen

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