Monday, September 19, 2016

Little Town of Werdau

Yeah Mom, I suppose Andy could be right. Transfer me once, shame on
you, transfer me twice, shame on me. Or something. Now I just need to
find out what the nefarious Elder Larsen could be doing to cause such
a thing :). Well Lisa, I'm guessing that if the crab never is able to
go through the door at all, you'll probably be having terrible luck
for the year. I awkwardness of your little dating experience that you
shared last week as well. Careful Andy, if I had a dollar for every
time you've said you'll probably be smooching this week, I'd have at
least one dollar. Gotta say Heidi, I'm pretty jealous. I sure wouldn't
be opposed to Elder Bednar randomly showing up to the Leipzig stake
conference here in Germany. You're certainly right Joey, if nothing
else all the craziness definitely keeps me from getting bored.
Unfortunately Dad, I don't think we'll be able to go to the Freiberg
temple for pdays. Traveling there and back would take around 4 hours,
which already takes up all of our time. But I am really hoping we'll
be able to get Peter, a new convert that was baptized a few months ago
here in Werdau out to the temple.

Well, I'm pretty sure I spent more time traveling over the course of
this week than any other week in my life. Getting here to Werdau from
Hildesheim, going to and from Berlin for a trainer/trainee conference
and traveling to a city called Jena for a zone service project
probably puts me at around 15 hours or so. It'll be nice to be able to
spend more time actually in Werdau itself this upcoming week.

My new companion, Elder Earl is from Orem, Utah. After 4 weeks he's
got stinkin good German and seems to know more about missionary life
than I did after being out for like 6 months, haha. He's kept a good
attitude despite the difficult situation he's been put in. It's not
every day that a brand new trainee knows more about his city than his
trainer. He's an awesome missionary.

Anywho, aside from sitting in trains a lot, 2 highlights of the week
were, as previously mentioned, the trainer/trainee conference and zone
service project. The training conference was an interesting blast to
the past, as it was about the same as what we had done back when I was
a trainee. But it was really nice to think back on and remember the
things I had learned back then. It hit me once again that the key to
having success as a missionary, the key to receiving the gift of
tongues and the key to being a servant of the Lord is love. In one of
he videos we watched a member of the Seventy says: "The gift of
tongues is not a one-time event. It's a journey of loving the people."
I think that principle applies to most aspects of being a missionary.

As for the service project, it was "Service Day" in the city of Jena.
Little did they know they'd be invaded by 14 missionaries from all
over East Germany. Elder Earl and I got assigned to help build a
couple tables at a day care center, where we worked alongside a couple
college students. We were able to get to know them, and afterwards
they invited us to come with them up this hill with a pretty good
overlook of the city. We were able to talk with them for a while as
well as share some of the message of the restoration. Though they
didn't show much interest in religion, it was a confidence booster
that everywhere in the world there are good, friendly people out there
being prepared by Heavenly Father. Who knows, perhaps the next time
they run into missionaries they'll be interested in learning more.

Life is great here in good ol' Deutschland. I'm hoping to be spend a
little more time here than I have in my last 2 areas, but I'll be
satisfied with whatever the Lord gives me. Love you all and hope you
have a great week!

Elder Larsen

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