Monday, September 12, 2016

Here We Go Again

So...funny story. A few hours ago I got a call from President
Fingerle, informing me that I'd be leaving At this
moment I'm on my way to a city called Werdau, where I'll be training a
new missionary named Elder Earl. His old companion got sick and had to
go to Berlin, hence the lack of forewarning. I'm really bummed to
leave Hildesheim; my short Turkish adventure with Elder Johnson is
over, and I only had time to say goodbye to a couple members and
investigators. I suppose if nothing else, at the end of this I'll be
able to say that over the course of 2 months I've been in 3 different
areas, 6 weeks of which I was able to learn a teeny bit of Turkish.

I'm still kind of flabbergasted (pardon my use of such a word) about
all that's happening, so I'll keep this email short. But I know that
the Lord is watching over me and will not forsake me; nor will he
forsake you. I hope y'all have an awesome week. Love you!

Elder Larsen

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