Monday, April 25, 2016

Slowly But Surely

Fair enough mom, you win. I also hope that you never give in to the evil of choosing salad over steak. I'm not positive that I deserve to be compared with Mormon, but you definitely make a good point. I've heard a lot of missionaries quote the scripture in D&C 18 about the joy that comes from bringing just one soul closer to Christ and assert that that one soul is/can be yourself. Of course our purpose of a mission is to bring others to the Gospel, but to some extent it's also to convert and change yourself. Yeah Lisa, I always wanted the chance to see if all the hype about this Nathaniel Wilcox was actually legit. I'd like to see him go up against the Larsen bros. Sounds like you have some fun in store with them Jenkins. The real question is, Andy, do you have a 2nd date planned with this girl? This could be your chance to get a crew of professional basketball playing children bro. I've also heard that phrase that a mission is "not the best 2 years of your life, but the best 2 years for your life." Seems like kind of a panzy attitude. What's even the difference? Yeah it's not the most fun or easy experience, but few things have more power to change the course of people's lives. Heidi, you aren't allowed to have a boy, it'll upset the balance. Also, does that mean there are refugees in Provo? That would be a surprise. Way to shove it in the devil's face Joey. That's awesome that Isaac got his call, though I can't say I envy the food he'll be eating. Gotta say, the Germans are pretty solid when it comes to food. Thanks for the prayers dad, they're needed. Sounds like Grandpa was quite the popular guy. Though I think I might have him in that not only did I talk to Elder Holland once, I also sold something to him. Haha, though I doubt Elder Holland would remember me.

The Hannover Zone

Slowly but surely seems to be the pace of things here in Stadthagen. Working on getting baptismal dates for Mrs. Heumann as well as Cristof and Olga, the younger couple we've been teaching. Really it just comes down to them doing the basics of reading, praying and coming to church.

Unfortunately our finding efforts aren't having any immediate success, weren't able to find anyone new to teach this week. A super nice family let us in and gave us something to drink, but although they were super friendly and love the Bible, they didn't want to hear a word about the Book of Mormon. Other than that, lots of friendly people, lots of less friendly people, and no one with interest to meet. But we'll get 'em this week.

Last weekend we had the opportunity to attend another "Musikalischenabend" or musical evening, put together by the ward in Hannover. They needed Elder Barboza's stellar singing skills, and it was good that we were able to come, cause some of our awesome members from Stadthagen brought friends with them to see it. Basically what it is, is there's a video about a guy who becomes interested in knowing if there's a God, after the death of his father. He stumbles upon a Book of Mormon, reads and prays about it, and gets an answer (it's way more complex and awesome than that, but I'm running out of time). Every 5 or so minutes there's a pause in the movie and missionaries/members do a musical number. Very powerful experience, I think a lot of good will come from it. The place wasn't quite as jam-packed as it was when we had one in Berlin, but there were a solid couple hundred people there.

But yeah, that's all I've got time for today. Have an awesome week!

Elder Larsen

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