Monday, April 18, 2016

A Lesson on Satanism

Well Mom, the 3 things that Germany has on America are: Bratwursts, bakeries and chocolate. I imagine the easiest option would be bratwursts, but Bro Weser would probably know better than I do. That's funny, seems like Jonathan's whole friend group got or is getting sent to Japan. I've been getting weekly emails from his friend Chris, I better get in contact with Jonathan as well. As traumatic as your kindergarten experience may have been mom, at least you didn't ever explode in your undies in the middle of story time. I could tell that mowing season began Lisa, as on Tuesday I was assaulted by hay fever. Pretty sure I got a solid 7 sneezes within 15 seconds that morning. You'll have to let me know how that smooching babes on the beach part goes, Andy. I think that would be a more impressive achievement than anything else you do in Costa Rica. Interesting strategy Heidi, having a baby just so you can get out of date night with Steve? At our worldwide missionary training thing, Elder Andersen also talked about how understanding the Atonement makes us want to share it with others. Definitely makes sense. I'm afraid I didn't take advantage of April Fool's day nearly as much as you did, Joey. I'll have to repent and do better next year. That seems unfair though Jake, I don't get to go to Chuck E Cheese's when I poop in the potty. Yeah Dad, work is definitely a blessing. We'll try our best at having a healthy week.

So, things are starting to pick up again here in Stadthagen. All signs of Elder Barboza's sickness are gone now, aside from playing tag with the doctor, trying to figure out what caused it all. This week we were able to meet with a couple of the old investigators I had tried to call, which went fairly well. One was an older guy who has a lot of respect for the church and its members (apparently at one point he even gave a talk and was in charge of making the weekly program) but he got a little bit sour when the ward in his city, which is about an hour away from Stadthagen, got merged with the Stadthagen ward. Since then he's stopped coming to church and has re-developed problems with coffee and smoking. But he's a super nice guy, hopefully we'll be able to get him back into the game.

Another old investigator we met with was a guy in his mid 20s, who has been on a sort of religion search since age 16, after his sister died. He's investigated Buddhism, the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism and...Satanism. He really likes the church, especially the concept of eternal families, but he feels like he hasn't received an answer that it's all true, even though he's read the Book of Mormon and frequently prayed about it. He's had a pretty tough life, but somehow he's ended up a really awesome guy. He told us that even Satanism has taught him valuable lessons, which I guess I'll take his word for. Hopefully we'll be able to continue meeting with him and help him to receive/recognize an answer.

As for our current investigators, slow and steady wins the race I suppose. The younger couple we've been meeting with are understanding everything really well, and say that it sounds good, but getting them to read the Book of Mormon and pray is like pulling teeth. Hopefully we'll be able to change that. Another guy we met with, who before had very little desire to read or pray, has started to do both and wants to start coming to church. So you never know I guess.

Anywho, the weeks keep flying by. Think it's safe to say that few experiences the world has to offer can top that of a missionary. Of course doing missionary work as a member is probably a close second, hint hint :). But yeah, keep keeping on and have a solid week!

Elder Larsen

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