Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Little Tanoe Root Beer


I don't think I'll ever be opposed to peanut butter bars Mom, nor could I be convinced not to eat them, no matter how obese I could get. I think I need to at least try the retainers, lest my teeth go crooked beyond repair, I also could use another t-shirt/pair of basketball shorts, send whatever or maybe have Andy pick them. Thanks for them pictures, those will definitely be nice to have. I'll have to send you the many (0) pictures I've taken so far. Haha, Elder Bennett will send me some group pictures we've taken and I'll try to send those next week. Tell Paul and Sarah that I appreciated the note/cookies that Sarah sent me. It was a very welcome surprise. Andy, do you know Jacob Brogdon? He graduated the same year as you and he's one of my German teachers. Also, how's your girlfriend/truck/guitar/booze/horse doing? 

I think my favorite quote in General Conference (I keep forgetting who said it) was something along the lines of, "We only fail if we refuse to try to take another step forward," and he related it to a baby trying to walk to his parents. I hate to sound like a broken record but the best times I've had here so far have been the times (or at least the times directly following) when I've made mistakes. It's that time that I can dedicate myself to improving whatever I messed up with and there's no better inspiration for being obedient, praying and trusting in the Lord than when you've been humbled after making a mistake, and it was during one of these times that I felt the Holy Ghost stronger than I've ever felt it before.

Every week I see more of Heavenly Father's hand in putting me in my specific companionship, district and mission. Now I just have to try to do my best in living up to his expectations. It's hard sometimes, it seems like there's way too much to do in way too little time, but I've made tons of progress since when I first got here and I know that every day God gives me the strength I need. If He didn't then I guarantee you I wouldn't be here right now. Each day my testimony is strengthened and each day is an opportunity to improve myself and uplift others.

Random funny story of the week, at dinner one evening an Elder mentioned how in Europe they don't sell much root beer. Elder Bennett confirmed it, saying "They sell little-to-no root beer in Europe. My companion Elder Fritz thought that he was talking about some brand of root beer that they sell in Europe called "Little Tanoe root beer" and asked "Is it good?" The first Elder responded, thinking that the question was "Is it good that they don't sell root beer?" with "It's only good if you don't like it." Following that was quite a bit of confusion until Elder Fritz figured out what Elder Bennett had actually said. It was one of the funnier things I've heard in my life, hopefully in my poorly typed out version of the story you can understand/appreciate it.

Anywho, life is good. Elder Green in my district basically got a wedding proposal from his girlfriend, something along the lines of "I keep telling myself I can give you up for these 2 years, because I'll be able to have you for eternity." So I've had a good time harassing him about that. Life is good here and I hope things are going alright in the outside world.

Viel Lieben

Elder Larsen

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