Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Did I spell Ziggy's name right?

In answer to Joey's questions, es geht mir gut, heute ich habe basketball gespielt und ich werde zu der Tempel gehen. Ich esse in der Kafeteria. German's coming along and I'm pretty sure that a German would understand most of what I'm saying, but I'm also pretty sure that in terms of grammar and sentence structure 80% of what I say is incorrect. It is a pretty fun language though, and as long as I can at least semi-coherently voice my thoughts that's probably all that matters in terms of a language. It'll be sad to miss the Dirty Devil, is Joey going this year with Marty Jake and Ziggy? Ziggy's a cute one (and the more I think about it the more I think Zeke sounds better). I think I've spent some time as both of those missionaries Mom, sometimes it's hard to stop myself from spouting out random movie quotes.

I never thought that I'd be leaving the MTC, but it's actually getting pretty close. Honestly it's a pretty great place; my district is starting to complain about the food, but compared to the mediocre meals I'll probably be making for myself in Germany, this is great! Everything's going pretty well, doors are opening in my mind in regard to language and gospel topics that I didn't even know existed. The thought of moving on and going to Germany is a pretty big mixing pot of excitement and anxiety, but it will be refreshing to start teaching and helping actual investigators rather than teacher-investigators.

A topic we've heard a few times here in the MTC is that of turning outward. Obviously the biggest example of this is Jesus Christ, who never thought about his own welfare (aside from arguably during that one time, you know, right before he suffered for the pains of billions of people). It's something that everyone can improve on and something that I really hope I can get better with; it sure isn't something I did much before coming on a mission. Am I thinking more about my own needs and desires or the needs and desires of other people? It's definitely not an easy one for me, but it's probably the one that will bring the most happiness, success and fulfillment both in and after this life.

Nothing too exciting going on this week, the time is going by and I've still got a lot to learn. But I know I'm not alone and I know that I've been called by God to do this work.

Ich liebe sie!

Elder Larsen

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