Monday, September 11, 2017

Provo Boy Adventures Week 3

Well I'm not really sure where to start with this week. We've had a couple more members and investigators head out of town to enjoy the last few weeks before the next semester of school here in Jena starts. On Monday we had 4 non members and only 1 member at our family home evening, which was somewhat unusual. Our institute group this week was also about 1/5 of the size it was last week because of a young single adult convention going on, but hopefully this week we'll get some of our peeps back.

On Tuesday night we were on our way home from an appointment. We stopped at a crosswalk and a line of cars started going by. One car slowed down to a stop, rolled down his window and said "Hey, you look like Jehovah's Witnesses!" and then kept driving. He received quite a bit of road rage for it and we're still not sure if he meant it as an insult or if he was just astounded to see two young men who looked like JWs. Later in the week we were waiting for a bus and a car drove by honking and as we looked a group of dudes in the car had their middle fingers in a somewhat rude position.   Interesting how people will go out of their way to trash on people that they don't know at all. For the most part though the people here are really chill and friendly.

On Friday we had a street display. Only two other missionaries were able to make it so we decided to get a bit unconventional and brought the foosball table from our church building down onto the street and started challenging people. It actually worked quite well and people were curious to know what on earth we were doing. Germans become a whole lot more open when you find a way to get them to come to you rather than you going to them. It's been interesting trying out ideas that I had never really considered before.

The cherry on top of this week was on Sunday a stranger came to sacrament meeting. He was late and I was up front so I didn't see him until later. After the meeting I got caught in a conversation but saw him starting to leave so I booked it after him and was able to stop him right as he was walking out the door. He said his name was Mario and when I asked him where he was from and said he was from Mexico. I seriously couldn't contain my excitement upon finally being able to talk to someone in Spanish in Jena. Sadly he had to go but later we were able to talk through messenger and we have an appointment set up for Friday. So that was pretty awesome.

Anywho, life is great.

The end.


Elder Larsen

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