Monday, September 4, 2017

Provo Boy Adventures Week 2


So I forgot to mention last week one of the greatest advantages so far of having a companion who is also from Provo. You see in Germany members are interested in your heritage no matter where you're long as it's not Utah. There's always a level of disappointment in people's faces when I say I'm from Provo, whether that be a shake of a head, a pitiful sigh, a mocking laugh or a comment about how every missionary comes from Utah. Tell them you're from Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado or some other boring State (that's right, Elder Castillo 😛) and the members get so excited, just anything other than Utah. However here in Jena Elder Openshaw has already taken the brunt of the attack and their disappointment is replaced with interest upon hearing that we grew up in the same neighborhood. And no, that's not really one of the greatest advantages nor is it something that's actually bothersome, but the way the members react sometimes is always something to laugh about.

Jena has given me a good first impression and it hasn't failed me yet. My only complaint so far is a Döner that didn't land so well in my stomach which almost had dire consequences. It was our Branch
President, Rene's birthday so we went by to give him the deluxe missionary package (namely gummy bears and a 1 euro workout DVD we bought) and it so happened that on the tram ride over there my stomach started making unpleasant noises. Things got worse when we got out and walked to Rene's door and called him and he said he was at a different member's house, about a 10 minute walk away...up a hill. So I'm starting to get a little afraid but am confident that as long as I'm able to use the bathroom at this member's place everything will be fine. Well I'm starting to doubt as we get into the building and walk into an elevator. That elevator was not my friend; gravity was not on my side. It took all my strength to prevent the evening from getting messy and I'm convinced that if he had lived a floor or two higher in this building I wouldn't have made it. As it was we ran to the door, and without hardly saying hello I burst into the bathroom and spent the next 20 or so minutes in there. I think there are still a couple members who think I was just being discourteous, going straight into the bathroom like that but there was sadly no other way.

On the brighter and more spiritual side of things, the work here is going quite well. Our new investigator Rob is doing really well, he came to Institute on Thursday, church on Sunday afterwards he came with us to our lunch appointment) and today he's coming to our family home evening activity thing. He grew up with a very negative feeling toward churches and religion, but he says he feels really good in the church here and is really opening up. Sadly I've got to run, but things are going real swell here. Hope you're all doing well, have a great week!

Elder Larsen

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