Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Pretty Solid Week

Well Mom it's good to hear that after 22 months my plaque is done. I'm
sad to hear that Grandma is still having a rough time, really hope she
gets better. Crazy that Robert is leaving on his mission, last time I
checked I'm pretty sure he was like a freshman in high school or

Yeah Lisa, Ol' Elder Peatross is back on the other side of the veil.
But like John Taylor wrote in section 135 of Doctrine and Covenants,
in the mission we were not divided, and back at home we will not be
separated...or something like that. Based on my poor ability to
determine how long it takes to get anywhere in Berlin, I would suspect
that Marty's math skills are better than mine.

I see, Andy. Your plan now is to become a filthy rich bachelor with
your own company so that the girls will flock to you? That is pretty
sad to hear though that Jackson is a giant, if he's already taller
than you there's not much hope for me.

If you like the journaling idea Heidi you might like an idea that
President Fingerle has talked about a lot; a while ago Elder Bednar
gave him the suggestion of writing a question at the front of a new
copy of the Book of Mormon and then reading through, focused on the
one question and marking passages and writing notes that relate to it.
To be honest I've struggled with it, since my mind usually wanders
from one question to another, but Elder Bednar said the goal is to
have a whole bookshelf full of Books of Mormon, each providing an
answer to a different question.

I don't know Joey, a friend in need is a friend indeed. I'd say the
wards in Germany and probably everywhere in the world could use a few
Joey Larsens to help the church grow.

I like the Sunday School topic Dad, we had that last week as well. I'm
jealous of the amount that you guys get to go to the Temple.

If I'm not mistaken I'm entering the 10 week countdown of my mission,
which is kind of terrifying. At any rate this week was pretty solid.
We meet pretty regularly with a family in the ward here, the wife is
from Bolivia, the husband is German and got baptized a few months ago
and they have a 8 year old son. This week we visited them and the
wife's nephew was there, a 12 year old named Marcos from Madrid. He's
a legit kid and the wife wants him to get baptized; his mom is a
member, but inactive so he doesn't really know much about the church.
But he's open to learning and teaching him so far has been a pretty
fun experience.

On Monday we met with our friend David again and afterwards went to
Family Home Evening for the young single adults. Sadly David doesn't
fit in super well with the members his age here and got a little
frustrated towards the end of FHE, but our lesson went pretty well. We
set up an appointment for Thursday, but he didn't come and we couldn't
get ahold of him. He also either blocked us on Facebook or deleted his
account...still not totally sure what the deal is, but hopefully
things will work out with him.

We also have a couple non-members we're currently teaching who are
doing some pretty rocking missionary work. Our friend Silvio has given
out around 10 Books of Mormon to friends and family and our friend
Arjuun has invited 4 of his Turkish friends to learn about the gospel.
2 of them met with the turkish speaking Elders here in Berlin and are
now being taught by them, and the other 2 came to church yesterday.
Pretty cool stuff.

Other than that on Saturday there was a gay parade...fun fun. In the
afternoon it started pouring and as we were in the subway we talked to
a dude from Texas who said the rain was a sign of displeasure from God
toward the parade. Might not be too far from the truth. Apparently the
parade had gone past the church, because on Sunday morning when we
went there were tons of beer bottles and cigarrete cases spread across
the lawn and rainbow stickers on the front gate, which had fortunately
been locked. There's always something exciting going on in Berlin.

But all in all we had a really good week. Love you guys, have a good one!

Elder Larsen

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