Monday, July 3, 2017

Crazy Rains

Well Mom, the only problem is how terrible we look in that video.
Wearing white shirts was definitely a mistake...and it's too hard to
pretend to be happy while singing so we all look just bored or
miserable. The wickedness of singing. Elder Mehr has a dentist
appointment tomorrow, hopefully it won't be as exciting as yours was.

Seems like you be getting sick a lot these days Andy. I'm trying to
connect that to you needing to find a woman, but I'm not really sure
on that one.

Heidi, I feel somewhat dumb for being surprised that you've been to
Tonga before, but I legitimately don't remember you being here before.
Allie sounds like a champ.

Sorry Joey, I guess I just misunderstood your email from last week.
That's funny though, we're also working with investigators right now
who tend to skip the end part and just say "Amen." Z isn't too far

Yeah Dad, we're pretty excited about the new bishopric. Funny how with
the Provo temple being closed there's still a Temple available in
Provo. In Germany if one temple closes down then there's just one
other in the whole country, which is still more than a lot of other
countries have.

Another week has flown by. This Saturday we get out transfer call, I
hope I'll stay in Tiergarten but anything could happen. Today we
grilled up some burgers and Bratwurst and did our best to celebrate
the 4th of July with American music and games. Sadly it's still no
match for the 4th of July celebrations in 'Merica.

Berlin and Neubrandenburg Zones

On Tuesday we had exchange with the Neukölln Elders, so I was able to
see some old friends from that area. It was weird to think how it's
been almost 2 years since I've seen a lot of them. It's nice being
able to actually understand all the things they say to me now 🙂.

On Thursday we met with a lady from Columbia and were able to teach
her in Spanish. Definitely a challenge, but we had a member from
Mexico here helping us and we were able to get everything across that
we wanted. She came to church on Sunday and hopefully we'll meet again
this week. We also met with our friend Silvio. He accepted a baptismal
date which is awesome, there are just a couple obstacles we still need
to deal with, for example he believes that Melchisedec of the Old
Testament is on the earth today and is his "spiritual guide." Kinda
interesting, but hopefully we'll be able to confront this Melchisedec
chap this week.

 On Friday we had Zone Conference and I got to see a few old mission
buds, like my former companion Elder Christoffersen. Also on Thursday
and Friday crazy rains attacked Berlin. We met Silvio at the church
and upon reaching the bus stop by the church we had to wade through
knee-deep water. A lot of the subways got flooded and we were pretty
lucky to be able to make it home on time Thursday night. Apparently it
hasn't rained like that in Berlin since 60 years ago, so that was
pretty exciting.

I think that's all I've got for this week. Rock on, dudettes!

Elder Larsen

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