Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Blessings in Disguise

Yeah it was funny, Mom. Before the sacrament meeting started I talked to Elder Anderson's parents, not knowing beforehand they were his parents but when they said they were from Houston, Texas it dawned on me it must be them. Weird to see my trainer go home. What are you doing in California?
Them be some mighty fine words of wisdom, Lisa. There was a cool quote from John Bytheway I heard a few months ago, something like "faith isn't something we use to force our desires into reality." Sometimes I feel like if I had just a bit more "faith", things would turn out the way I want them to, but that isn't really how faith works. It's only faith in Jesus Christ that brings true power and blessings. I don't know Andy, I was kind of thinking a light brown PT Cruiser would be pretty swell. Though I suppose if you're offering a real swell deal I'd be down...though I'm not really made of money. Don't you worry about Zeke, I'll be the favorite uncle soon enough.
Heidi, yeah it seems with most of those plays the movie is typically better.
Spanish master may be a bit strong, Joey. It's pretty funny though, it's kind of like going back to my first few weeks in Germany when it comes to understanding Spanish speakers. Yeah, it'll be exciting to discover the thousands of new board games you've probably gotten while I've been gone. Thanks by the way for the 6 Nimmt game, we've had a few opportunities to play it.
The little family vacation sounds like quite the party, Dad. For some reason it only just occurred to me that there are more grandkids than kids in the family now. Crazy.

Life here be going pretty well. Sadly contact with our friend Dimitri has been rough this week, we had 2 appointments fall through and he didn't make it to church. The cool thing was that on the day of our first appointment, while we were waiting in the church with the member we brought along, a random guy walked in and was like, "I saw the visitors welcome sign, is there anyone here that I can talk to about God with?" and of course we were happy to help. Hopefully we'll be able to meet with him again soon. And on the day where the second appointment fell through, we were waiting with a different member and although Dimitri didn't come, we were able to have a really good conversation of things we can do to help the ward and work better together with the members. So that all turned out pretty well, but we really hope we can get back in contact with Dimitri.

I'm not sure if there's anything else too exciting from this week. We found a new investigator from Turkey who speaks better English than I do (he uses words like disseminate, concede, deceased, etc.). This week in sacrament meeting there were like 30 BYU students that walked in to the chapel single file which was kind of exciting to watch, they were here as part of a history class. I think that's basically all I've got so....

Have a great week!!!

Elder Larsen

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