Monday, May 15, 2017


Sounds like I missed out on a lot of partying, Mom. You may be
interested to know, in a talk I gave yesterday in church I mentioned
you as one of the greatest examples I know of selfless service. You da
bomb (I'm not sure if that's an appropriate thing to call one's
mother, but yeah).
I'm not convinced of the German accent thing, Lisa, though I will
admit my English skills have definitely gone down in the last several
months. Thanks for the pictures, crazy how Marty has turned into a
miniature Joey.
I hope you're on the search for a nice 4-wheeler Andy. Too bad that
didn't work with skype, but I suppose it won't be too long before I'm
back in town, ready to do some ultimate frisbee domination. Ben Dahl
from the ward wrote me and told me Timpview frisbee got 1st place in
the regionals tournament, taking down Lone Peak A case that
means anything to anyone other than me, tehee.
Ah, that's too bad, Michelle. I suppose I won't take too much offense
that you missed my skype call for Isaac's. Them be some nice
pictures...Marty looks super old in that first one...isn't he like 2
years old?
Boy Dad, that sounds like a pretty intense dirt biking trip. Way to be
prepared! It was awesome being able to skype you guys...weird to think
that the next time we see each other will be when I get home...yikes.

The highlight of this week is probably our friend Dimitri, who wants
to be baptized on the third of June. He's the guy that called us after
seeing the massive #PrinceOfPeace poster on the wall of the stake
center in Berlin. He has lots of questions and a great desire to learn
and do what's right. The main thing right now is helping him to come
to church. He's pretty dang cool.

Nezhdet and Karim, who we found (well, Karim kind of found us) and who
have been coming to church the last couple weeks are also doing really
well. Communication is hard with both of them, but a member in
Bulgaria has helped us to teach Nezhdet and tomorrow we'll be able to
have a farcy translator for Karim with skype. Both of them have stayed
for 3 hours of church each time they've come even though they don't
understand everything. Both of them are awesome.

That's most of what our teaching pool consists of at the moment, but
there's still lots of numbers, addresses and even facebook information
of people who may be interested. Busy busy busy. I think that's all
I've got for this week you, Ciao!

Elder Larsen

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