Monday, February 20, 2017

Missionaries Be Scary

Well Mom I'm quite sorry to hear that you weren't able to dance it up on Saturday. I can only imagine how disappointing that must have been. I feel the same though about having to always be working on our faith and abilities...after 17 months of being on a mission there are still millions of things that have room for improvement. It's a good thing that God doesn't expect immediate perfection. It's rough Andy, I've only touched a frisbee like 5 times in the last year and a half. But it shouldn't take too long before the Larsen bros are out dominating again. The first time you were stuck with the same person for over 2 days? Didn't you go on a mission? I want to extend but I still need a thumbs up from President Fingerle. If I don't get it then maybe fall semester would be better...I had just remembered that a couple years ago fall semester started at the end of august and I figured I wouldn't have any breathing room. Hopefully by next week I'll have it figured out. Yeah Dad, if I'm able to extend it will be sometime in the first half of October that I get home. I also got an email today from the mission office that in the case that I do go for fall semester I'd be able to go home a week or two earlier, around August 20th. It kind of scares me that I'm to the point that I need to start figuring this stuff out.

This week was good, nothing too out of the ordinary happened. On Wednesday we had an exchange with the Elders in Freiberg. Freiberg is a pretty cool city, it's pretty much the Utah of Germany because of the Temple. You see random members all the time and everyone knows about the church...and more than just the "fact" that we have multiple wives. As of a couple weeks ago I've officially started learning Spanish (while on the mission), and in Freiberg I was able to have my first legitimate conversation in Spanish with a guy on the street. It was more like a weird combination of German and Spanish, but it was still pretty cool. Sadly our area in Schwarzenberg isn't really spanish-speaking central. There was also a guy in Freiberg that put a lot of effort into avoiding us; he crossed the street twice and started walking in the opposite direction to get away from us. Missionaries be scary.

We've got one pretty solid investigator at the moment, he's muslim but is very open and has lived in Germany for almost 20 years. It's been really interesting teaching him; I've discovered there's actually quite a few similarities between our religion and theirs--things that most Christian churches don't really have an understanding of, such as the pre-earth life and the spirit world. Obviously there are lots of differences as well, but it was still surprising to me. It's a little hard to stay on topic with him, but he's open and wants to be on the right path to return to God. We're hoping and praying for the best.

Not really anything else super exciting from this week, so...yeah, Tschüß out. Adios 🙂

Elder Larsen

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