Monday, November 21, 2016

Highway to Heaven

With Elder Anderson version 2.0

Well Mom, I shared your joke with Elder Anderson and I'm afraid he wasn't totally impressed, though I got a good laugh out of it. What's funny is the similarities I can see between both Elder Andersons. In some ways they're a lot alike and in other ways total opposites. Boy Lisa, I had totes forgotten that they were wiping out rock canyon elementary. Looks like I'm missing out. You know I've seen and eaten some weird fruits here in Germany, though I've yet to have a apple that's pink on the inside. I hope you don't die from it. Yes Andy, though what's unfortunate is that  my really huge cheeks still exist, just not on my face. Ahem. I'm not sure what vintage Mattman64 is supposed to mean, unless a new wine has been produced with that name, which I guess would make sense. Did you get the Sion support idea from Easton? I wish you HAGW as well. Unfortunately Joey, he believes in evolution of man from monkeys, as opposed to just general evolution. But I do think he's opening up more to the idea of Adam and Eve and the Plan of salvation. I'll keep my eyes open to the possibility of Elder Anderson being mystique, though it would all be a bit convoluted since the other Elder Anderson sends me his weekly email. I won't rule out the possibility though. Yeah Dad, we have a car now. The Sisters, who come to the same ward as us but work in a different city used to have the car, but new ones got here recently and neither of them have a German Drivers license, so we're currently using it.

Gas Gauge After Speeding to Train Station

This week was pretty normal. The most exciting thing that happened was probably exchanges with the Zone leaders, which included but was not limited to: having to spontaneously drive to a city an hour away to do a baptismal interview (the district leader who was going to do it missed his train), driving on the highway at a speed that our mission president probably wouldn't have approved of in order to catch a train that we ended up missing anyway, and having to cancel all our appointments that day (because of missing the train). All in all, it was pretty hectic. But still fun.

The Captain

Sadly our investigator Frau Putschli is still in the hospital and we still have no way of contacting her, but hopefully this week she'll be able to go back home. Slowly but surely the work here is moving forward. Right now we're working our way through former investigators, trying to see who really has interest. Our investigator Klaus (the one who is struggling with changing his views of the theory of evolution) is praying this week regarding the day he should be baptized on, so we've got high hopes and lots of prayers for him.

That's about it for this week, my mind feels a bit too fried to think of anything else at the moment. But life is good and it's a joy to share the Plan of Happiness with the world. Hope you all have a good week, love you!

Elder Larsen

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