Monday, November 28, 2016


Yes Mom, unfortunately there seem to be many who don't understand our superior sense of humor. It's no uncommon occurrence for me to do something so intentionally stupid that no one could possibly believe I had done it on purpose...and yet I believe several people out there think that I'm just a special brand of dumb, which I suppose really isn't all that inaccurate, tehee. There seems to be a sickness epidemic over here as well, Lisa. Half the ward seems to be struggling with some sort of sickness. I'm hoping to avoid it, though I may be in danger as on Sunday during church I got attacked by a bunch of kids whose parents were sick. My magnetic powers of children beating me up apply without a doubt in Germany. Yeah Andy, I remember the good old summer days of watching dragon ball z and avatar and all that good stuff. I suppose those days are at an end for me as well. It's kinda weird to think that I'll be going to college after I get home from my mission. Don't worry Joey, I'm currently in a phase where I'm with a companion who hasn't played League (about half of my companions have), so the possibility of me getting distracted by it is quite low at the moment. Yeah a counselor in young men's seems like the place to be. Despite the fact that there are only 3 youth between 12-17 in Werdau, that's where I'd like to be. Boy Dad, sounds like you're already on the ball. I certainly wish I'd be doing a service project on the first and I'll hopefully be able to do something, but for most of the day I'll be in Berlin for a leadership training meeting. I guess you guys will just have to do something for me in my stead.

P Day Fun

Well for lack of creativity the subject of this email is just the German version of the Christmas initiative, #LightTheWorld. The highlight of this week was probably our "hohozoco" (zone conference) in Berlin. It's always fun spending time there again, brings back good memories from the start of my mission. It's also all not nearly as overwhelming as it once was. Anywho, the zone conference was super good. For whatever reason it was all in English, which was actually mildly disappointing. But there were a lot of things that I was able to take home with me, like the idea of saying a loud prayer at least once a day, using our God-given power as missionaries to "make things happen" and of course ideas for how we can use the Christmas  season to bring people closer to Christ.

More P Day Fun

I really like the Christmas video this year, mostly because it seems a lot more hands on than in past years. The past ones have also been awesome, but this one gives members and non-members opportunity and inspiration for serving others, something that I think pretty much everyone wants to do but is sometimes hard to find the time or ideas to actually put into action.

Aside from that, we got to chop wood with an ax for an old couple that live on a massive farm. So that was pretty fun. Also, due to a lack of anything else to do on preparation day in Werdau, Elder Anderson and I assembled random articles of clothing we've gotten in our time in Germany and made some ridiculous costumes. Yeah...pretty weird stuff.

Haha, well I hope you have a swell week, love you guys!

Elder Larsen

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