Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Iyi Gunler (Have a Nice Day)


Kind of an interesting week 'round these parts. So on Friday at 5 we came to the church for a few minutes so that Elder Johnson could get in contact with an old investigator in Turkey, and left shortly afterwards. Well an hour and a half later the other Elders in Hildesheim came to have an appointment in the church and found that the church had been broken into. Someone had drilled a hole into the window to get it open and had scoured the church, apparently searching for money. Fortunately they didn't seem to find any and left without taking anything...in fact they seemed to have accidentally left about €2 worth of coins outside the door, so apparently in their attempt to rob the church they actually lost money. But anywho, since the 2 of us had only been in the foyer when we were there, we have no idea if the break-in happened before, during or after our visit...scary stuff. The police came to investigate, and since then not much has happened, everything is back in order and just as it was before.

Aside from that, nothing too exciting from this last week. We're starting to focus some of our time and effort in working with less active members, which is going pretty well. One needed help taking some things to the dump, and upon leaving he had us wait for a second as he went to talk to one of the female employees. We couldn't hear what they were saying, but she looked kind of embarrassed, pulled out her phone and talked to someone, then walked away. He came back and told us that he had asked her out on a date. He told us it's not typically normal to randomly walk up to someone and ask them on a date in Germany, and that he gets all kinds of reactions when he does it. Learn something new about German culture every day...anyway we were able to talk with him and commit him to start praying every day, a small but important step. It's a little difficult, as he is apparently completely at peace with his life and doesn't really feel a need to change, but we're gradually making progress.

That's about all I've got, love you all, have an awesome week!

Elder Larsen

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