Monday, June 6, 2016

Meet the Mormon

Boy, I can't believe you'd be given the most difficult job on Memorial Day Mom. Well, I hope that that service project was a lesson to you not to underestimate the power of those who look like weirdos :). Round these parts it's typically only the "weirdos" who are willing to give us the time of day. Also on a random note, I forgot to mention last week that I got a letter from the ward that, although it was addressed to me, was actually a letter for Elder Andrus, which leads me to assume that he got one addressed to a certain Elder Larsen. Not sure if anything could/should be done, but at the least I could send him a picture of the letter or something. You bought high heels, Lisa? I'm turribly disappointed in you. Sounds like some pretty solid ultimate frisbee playing, can't say that I'm not jealous. I'm afraid that even after 2 years, soccer will never be able to compete with frisbee. Andy, you just gotta pull out phrases like what Chance said and the ladies won't be able to resist you. Good luck finding that Red Beryl thing, though I'll bet the chances of you finding a Tiamat in the first level of Ogre Battle would be greater than you finding one of those babies. Sounds like you've got a fun week ahead of you, Joey. It also sounds like Z is already at about the same point in swimming skills as I'm at. Matt was bad. Now Matt...good. Thanks for the prayers, Pops, we can certainly use them. I may not have been there to trim with you, but based on the blast of hay fever I got this week it feels as though I must have been there in spirit or something.

This week was one of those weeks that at the time felt really eventful but now that I think about it it doesn't really seem like all that much happened. The main event of the week was definitely watching the Film, Meet the Mormons, in the church building on Friday. We had a solid 75ish people who came, about 60 members and 15 nonmembers. Unfortunately, of the over 300 people who accepted invitations to the movie, and the thousands who were talked to about it, saw it in the newspaper or were otherwise made aware of it, only one of those people came (all the others who came were friends of members, who they got rides from). But I suppose that's just another testimony of just how much more is possible when working closely with members, as opposed to trying to do it alone. But in the end, we were able to give out some Books of Mormon, get a few phone numbers, all that good stuff.

Yikes, time flies when you get caught in a conversation with a member for 2 hours. Last Monday I managed to somehow mess up my bike, no idea we asked around the ward to see if someone could fix it up. And today he came and was able to fix it up...and chat with us for a really long time. Anywho, we'll be using the bikes this evening, so we'll get to see if it decides to die again.

In other news, ELDER FRITZ IS BACK, wooooo! My old mtc comp has come back to life, and just happens to be in the same district as me. Awesomeness. Oh, and also, you probably thought that the subject of this email was a typo, meant to be "Meet the Mormons." Well you're wrong, because on Tuesday this random kid came up to us and be like "do you speak english?" and we be like "yes." Turns out he was part of a school group from Iowa, and he was the only one that was a member. So we met a mormon. Aren't I clever.

On that note I'm basically out of time. The Gospel is so true and so awesome. God loves and knows us personally. We are his children. Know it, love it, live it :). Have a great week!

Elder Larsen

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