Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Faithless Tomatoes

I´ll keep the nerd advice in mind, Mom. I met Elder Frost once, and just as I was dutifully explaining that his mom was my grandma´s home teacher, I was just about tackled to the ground by a certain Elder Peatross. I should be able to get a new suit in a week or two, just need to find enough time on a pday to go to Hannover. My ``ancient`` shoes died pretty quick, unfortunately. I´ve been wearing the new pair, which so far are working out pretty well. We don´t see too many members aside from on Sunday. A higher percentage in Germany basically just means 0.02% instead of 0.01%. Awesome that the ward dance went well, I knew you were a true dancer at heart, Mom.  I´ll have to read that article, Dad. I´ve only talked to her a couple times. Bigger ward makes it hard to talk to very many people. Better watch out with the "success" word Dad, out of the 36ish combined months that my 3 companions have been out, none of them have seen a baptism yet. Haha, sometimes it´s a tender topic in the mission. Sadly Lisa, I don´t seem to be getting any fatter. It takes a lot of effort just to stay at 145. I most certainly do love the new area. Not gonna lie, that´s quite the quality picture (see pic of Abby, Lisa, Savannah and their delicious breadtwist below). I´m not sure if I can condone eating bread twists without me though. Glad you had a "sick" week, Heidi, sounds pretty rad. I don´t seem to know what I´m doing with family history either. Every Sunday we now have an hour to do Family History work, and I´m kinda scared I´ll manage to mess something up if I try doing anything other than tinkering around and reading stories. Not bad Joey, Zeke can already say "nothing"? I don´t have a clue about the song/movie though. I´ll work harder at not enjoying soccer, though up to this point it hasn´t been much of a struggle.

Pretty solid week over here. Lots of traveling, lots of service, unfortunately not a whole lot of lessons. One of our lessons was in a city pretty far south. Took 4 hours of travel there and back, so working there was basically our entire day. On the way there the guy sitting by us on the train was talking on the phone, and accused whoever he was talking to of being a "treulos tomaten," or faithless tomato...gonna have to remember that one. Also we had splits this week, and while we were doing some service a member called my companion a fat egg. Germans seem to have all sorts of interesting food-related insults. 

Another random experience happened one night as we were going home from an appointment. These two drunk guys seemed confused as to which train they needed to take, so Elder Barboza told them. They didn´t believe him and told us that all we do (as missionaries) is "make crap." Well they eventually found out that Elder Barboza was right, and as we walked by they stopped and apologized. They ended up "escorting" us through Stadthagen and warned us about walking through certain streets at night, and were actually pretty friendly. So I guess the lesson is not to judge people by their appearance...or something like that.

The ward here in Stadthagen really is awesome. Before missionary work and member work seemed very separate from each other, but here the members really want to be involved and it´s a lot more of a team effort. It´s a good reminder that we´re all on the same side here. This isn´t a competition between which missionaries can get the most baptisms, or who can do the most on their own. This is about saving God´s children and bringing them to Christ. 

Love you all and hope you have a good week =)

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