Friday, September 18, 2015

Das Third Dia


Guten Tag!

Wie gehen Sie?

Anyway, this has probably been the craziest couple days of my life, possibly second to the first trip to Coyote Gulch, which didn't last 6 weeks. On orientation day one of the slides they showed us said something along the lines of "Growth only comes when you're outside your comfort zone," and it very accurately showed a picture of someone playing video games. It's not easy, but it sure is true. My time here so far has been great, the most trouble I've had so far was at an activity where we sat down and watched a couple videos (in the dark) and I very nearly fell asleep about every five minutes. Don't think I've ever felt that tired in my life, probably didn't help that for lunch I had crammed my stomach full of greasy bratwursts. 

My companion's name is Elder Fritz and he's a pretty solid dude. In a lot of ways we're pretty similar, but when it comes to interests, as opposed to the beauty of ultimate frisbee, basketball, and backpacking he enjoys singing, playing the piano and most wicked of all, running. In all seriousness he's pretty great though and we have an amazing district of five. German is coming back to some small extent and hopefully with the help of the Spirit I'll be able to start making some progress. Anyway, I'm basically out of time, my prep day is Wednesday so I'll have more time then. Good luck, Ich liebe Sie.

Aufwiedersehen (in 2 years)

-Elder Larsen

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