Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Happy burfday Mom! Andy can give you a hug for me. I believe I'd like my mission scripture to be Luke 9:23-24. I guess I'd like to have the retainers, if I still have the ability to cram them into my mouth. There was also a paper that told me some scriptures and stuff I should memorize in German, if you can find it, that I'd like to have. Also, could you remind me what the web address is for my blog? The food at the MTC is quite good, when I weighed myself last week I had gained 4 pounds, so at this rate I'll be rather obese by the time I get back. My daily schedule right now is basically 6 hours of instruction, 1 hour of teaching and 5 hours of study, then 4ish hours of meals, breaks, gym time, getting ready for bed, etc. And to Joey: that scripture from last week I believe is Doctrine and Covenants 11:21, also I'll probably be calling Ezequiel Ziggy.

Everyone here says that days are like weeks and weeks are like days, which I guess means I've either been here for 2 days or 98 days. I think I'm more inclined toward 98, it's crazy how in two weeks the MTC has become my home and my life 100%. Last week during some of our winding down time we (the 5 of us in our district) chose some different movies and assigned each other characters from them. I was given Gandalf, Yoda, Vision (Avengers 2), Professor X and...Spongebob. I honestly don't really understand any of their choices for me other than Spongebob. In regards to the subject of this email, me and Elder Fritz failed our room inspection because we had "Boxes everywhere." I've received 0 boxes and Elder Fritz had 2 on his desk. Everyone in our zone says that our room is easily the cleanest and they received perfect that was interesting.

Anywho, I'm learning so much here in the MTC. I always kinda pictured the MTC as this brief training Montage that I'd hurry through before going to Germany, but I feel like I've grown so much just in these last 2 weeks. I think the lesson I'm starting to really learn and that I wish I had learned sooner is that it's ok to make mistakes. For example when I was teaching one of my investigators yesterday and I told her that we were from Utah, she said that she had heard there are a lot of mountains in Utah. However the word for mountain sounds somewhat similar to the word for bear, so I thought she had said there were a lot of bears in Utah, so in response I said "I haven't seen any bears in Utah." A more humbling one was when my teacher told me that I need to have a stronger testimony that reading the Book of Mormon will answer any questions that investigators (or ourselves) have. It all comes down to me using these experiences to improve and turn to Heavenly Father rather than becoming discouraged that I'm not some perfect all-knowing missionary. I frequently remind myself that God called me to learn German and to teach the German people for a reason, and I can see his hand so much in the companionship and district that he has put me in. Not to sound sappy but they honestly are incredible and have become 4 of my closest friends. We all have our issues but we've got each others backs, not to mention that if we do our best and rely on Them, we also have Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost on our side, and boy do we need Them. It's surprised me how even in the MTC, we still have our agency and it's entirely up to us how seriously we take our time here and how obedient we decide to be. Elder Costa from the presidency of the seventy emphasized that one of the most important things for us to have is a burning desire to bring souls unto Christ. So one thing I'd like to start asking myself everyday  is, "How have I proved to myself and to God today that I have this burning desire?" The MTC is amazing, and so far this has been a refiner's fire that I'm in desperate need of. I love you all and I feel and appreciate the faithful prayers you say in my behalf.


Elder Larsen

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ich Bin Soooooo Begeistert

It's crazy how every day brings new opportunities and new challenges here. I am finally getting used to the schedule here, so the only really difficult thing here now is teaching investigators. Also we can't play ultimate frisbee...which seems like some kind of sick joke. You can toss a frisbee around, you can play soccer and basketball, but you can't play ultimate frisbee. So traurig. Yesterday I had the most miraculous experience that I've had so far in the MTC. So we were planning our fourth lesson for our "investigator" Carola, and our first three lessons with her were basically just us teaching some basic doctrine about prayer, the Holy Ghost, the Book of Mormon or Jesus Christ, and bearing simple testimony. This lesson, however, we were going to teach her about the great apostasy, the Restoration/Joseph Smith, more about Christ's ministry and at the end invite her to be baptized for the first time, all in German of course. To help prepare we did a roleplay with our teacher...I totally bombed it; floundered the whole time. To make matters worse the rest of my district returned to the classroom from their lesson with Carola with mixed expressions of sadness and irritation. They told us "good luck" in the way that actually means "you're hosed" and sat down. So off we went. It was easily the best and most rewarding lesson we've had. We were able to slow things down and focus on the investigator, and the Spirit led the conversation so that rather than spouting out random facts and sentences, we were able to answer her questions, make her feel what she needed to feel all while teaching her the doctrine that we had planned. What I was sure would be a humiliating and discouraging experience turned into a humbling and encouraging experience as me and Elder Fritz focused on the investigator and allowed the Holy Ghost to direct us. In response to our invitation to be baptized she said she would pray to know if what we taught was true, and if she received an answer, she would accept our invitation. The Spirit is readily available to those who get over themselves, turn outward and rely on Heavenly Father.
Anyway...I've got a great district and a great companion. I'll admit, I'm not super into going to choir, or playing soccer, but those are basically my only complaints. If I was in any other district I probably wouldn't be able to survive the hours of study/class time that we have every day. Elder Fritz is from South Weber, Utah and the other three elders, Elder Green, Elder Bennett and Elder Recine are from American Fork and Boise. We're all pretty different but they're all solid dudes with solid testimonies. Also the other Elders aren't terribly athletic which makes me feel like I'm actually good at basketball. Anywho, off to play some soccer...yippee.
With love und begeisturung,
Elder Larsen

Friday, September 18, 2015

Das Third Dia


Guten Tag!

Wie gehen Sie?

Anyway, this has probably been the craziest couple days of my life, possibly second to the first trip to Coyote Gulch, which didn't last 6 weeks. On orientation day one of the slides they showed us said something along the lines of "Growth only comes when you're outside your comfort zone," and it very accurately showed a picture of someone playing video games. It's not easy, but it sure is true. My time here so far has been great, the most trouble I've had so far was at an activity where we sat down and watched a couple videos (in the dark) and I very nearly fell asleep about every five minutes. Don't think I've ever felt that tired in my life, probably didn't help that for lunch I had crammed my stomach full of greasy bratwursts. 

My companion's name is Elder Fritz and he's a pretty solid dude. In a lot of ways we're pretty similar, but when it comes to interests, as opposed to the beauty of ultimate frisbee, basketball, and backpacking he enjoys singing, playing the piano and most wicked of all, running. In all seriousness he's pretty great though and we have an amazing district of five. German is coming back to some small extent and hopefully with the help of the Spirit I'll be able to start making some progress. Anyway, I'm basically out of time, my prep day is Wednesday so I'll have more time then. Good luck, Ich liebe Sie.

Aufwiedersehen (in 2 years)

-Elder Larsen