Monday, January 16, 2017

High Expectations

Don't worry Mom, it's also truthful and factual that you're far more awesome than the average person, no doubt about that. You may find it interesting that in my 4ish months in Werdau I've given 2 talks in sacrament meeting, which I believe is the total I gave at home after 18 years. Boy Lisa, if you think it's hard for you to believe that all the munchkins are growing up, come on over to Germany for a couple years where it seems like every single week a niece or nephew celebrates a birthday, haha. Well Andy I think I have you to thank for any sport domination I've done. It's a good thing you didn't give up with your pushing and pestering, otherwise life would probably be pretty stinkin different right now. Yeah Joey, I do think we're getting to the point of having to pull out some Zion's camp Priesthood action. That's pretty crazy Dad, that in the time between your mission and mine church membership is over 5x as big. The work is definitely moving forward.

Well things are moving slowly forward here in Werdau. One of our investigators is healthy again, but the others are battling against things worse than a common cold. We met with a few former investigators this week, but most seem more interested in chatting than learning about the Gospel. In the last few months we've talked about having high love and high expectations for investigators and it's easy to see the difference with investigators who have been shown perhaps high love but low expectations. It's hard because even lots of members think that conversion is a slow process and that it's more important to develop friendships and just be patient, but that isn't really what we as missionaries are called to do. I'm glad that it has been a theme in our mission conferences; it played a big role in our new convert Beate's conversion, who this week got her first calling as Relief Society secretary :). It's been so cool to see the progress she's made and her excitement for the Gospel.

Well I gotta run, still need to get a few things done for pday, but I love you guys!

Elder Larsen

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