Monday, July 11, 2016

Cray Cray

Well Mom, you're right...and you're also right. You're right in that my suit crisis has come to an end, and you're also right in that the pants I was wearing in that picture were just a pair of my dress pants. That hardly seems fair mom, you were all able to get 46x as many baptisms as me in a single day! And no, I most certainly did not hear that Joseph and Olivia are expecting a baby. Yet another Joseph, eh? Maybe I'll have to name one of my kids Joseph as well, just to keep the trend going. Weecha, I'll admit that a watermelon made out of rice crispies is cool, though this week at a less active members house he took out a watermelon, cut a hole out of it and stuck a mixer in. Totally made a watermelon into a drink...pretty awesome. Funny that you bring up people that are "stuck in your life for the moment and you have to keep dealing with them frequently," as that's pretty much what companions are on missions, haha. Fortunately I've been blessed with pretty awesome companions. Wouard, your own mother participated in the water balloon fights and you didn't? Hope ol' Swavvy gets better soon. Golfing, Andy? Are you going to turn into some posh golf player or something? I suppose there are probably some girls that are into that. Nope, no fat companion Joey. In fact I've never had anything more than a skinny companion so far. I'm happy you recognize my repentance Joey, though I'm afraid I haven't really gotten past the confession part. Unless going back to baptize someone in the ward counts as making things right again. Happy Birthday Pops! If I remember right President Fingerle's daughter is getting married in the Netherlands temple. Pretty awesome that you got to do endowments in the new temple for the first time.

Leaving Stadthagen

Week one in Bremerhaven! Kind of a cray cray week. Tuesday we spent pretty much the entire day packing, saying goodbye to members, setting up appointments and getting things ready for the sisters. Wednesday good ol Elder Barboza and I parted ways; me to Bremerhaven and the now "Andrew" Barboza back to Texas. Anywho, things were going pretty normal. I made it to Bremerhaven, met the new companion, Elder Rogers, started unpacking. He told me that that evening we'd be teaching two men from America...with a homosexual relationship. Which at the time didn't seem that strange: there are plenty of stranger things in Germany. So that evening we go to their house, I get to know them and everything. Then without warning Elder Rogers plunges into the law of chastity, pulling out scriptures that condemn homosexuality and pretty much telling them they're going to be thrust down to China. Well after a few minutes of bewilderment they all burst out was all just a prank. But uhh, based on that...I think it's safe to say I'm in for an interesting transfer. Needless to say I've since then discovered that Elder Rogers is a very sarcastic, jokey person. It's gonna be quite the ride.

Well aside from that craziness, Saturday we were able to drive to Stadthagen for the baptism of Frau Heumann! Everything went super well: the Spirit was strong, the members were there to support and Frau Heumann was super happy. Perhaps the only flaw was that the water level was a little low, and with Frau Heumann being a tad bit large, it was kind of a challenge getting her all the way under, haha. But it was awesome to have the opportunity to go back and help her make the important step of baptism. There's still lots for her to learn and to do, but she's on the right path, and that's amazing to see.

Well I'm about out of time. I'm pretty curious to see what the city of Bremerhaven has in store for me, but I know that with God's help we can overcome all the trials and struggles that life throws at us. Thanks for your prayers and for your awesomeness, have an aweome week!

Elder Larsen

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