Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Day for Christ or....Actually Beer

I'm glad you enjoyed hearing my voice mom, despite its scratchy deadness. I can't blame Abby, I often feel lost and out of my element out here as well. Perhaps crying as a strategy wouldn't be a bad idea. You're gonna have to get a little more patient though, cause that baby isn't allowed to come out for another year and a half. Yeah Lisa, I think a lot about continuing revelation. It's surprising to me how uninterested people seem to be in such a concept. They think it's so ridiculous that anything other than the Bible could contain God's word. Yet if you actually believe in the Bible and want to follow Christ, wouldn't you be interested in the concept that there are more scriptures and living prophets? It's quite the battle. Well Heidi, I'll just go ahead and pretend I know what on earth it means to be 2 cm dilated. Sure is a relief you werent 2.182 cm dilated! But as I already told Mom, you have a long wait ahead of you Wouard, tehee. Dang Andy, how long is a 1 km zipline ride? Yeah bro, I imagine you understand already that feelings of a missionary aren't all that different from life over there. One suggestion I have for you is to never say HAGS ever again. Yeah Dad, techonology is pretty great. Reminds me of the olden days when we had to communicate with Joey through letters. We did something similar with the young couple, where we had them say a repeat-prayer. Hopefully they'll start to get more comfortable with it.
"Marty, was it a real cow?"
"a cow!"
"Yes, but was the cow real?"
"a cow!"
"Yes I heard you, but was the cow alive?"
"A COW!!!"
Have you gone through any secret tunnels recently Joey?

Another solid week in the world of Stadthagen. This week we spent quite a bit of time with the members (because they're awesome). We were invited to family home evening, helped the bishop move and were invited to lunch with a part-member family. Their willingness to participate in missionary work is da bomb.

Thursday was a pretty unique day. Apparently May 5 is the day that Christ returned to heaven after being ressurected. How do the Germans celebrate this day, you may ask? With beer of course! Due to the potential dangers of going outside on such a day, and because the Book of Mormon is awesome, we had an entire day dedicated to reading in the Book of Mormon. Elder Bednar visited the mission a couple years ago and gave the suggestion of reading through the whole book with 1 question in mind, which is what President Fingerle invited us to do. Put simply, it's an awesome idea. I think I'll have to start doing it with every read-through of the Book of Mormon.

Anywho, time waits for no one, and mine is about up. So have a good week, keep reading, praying and living the gospel. Bis nächstes mal!

Elder Larsen

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