Monday, January 18, 2016

Training Is Be Done

Andy, since when did a hug and "a few words" get anyone a wife? I'm
not sure if I know who that is. Got any more info? Yeah Mom, your
tooth situation reminds me of that sad day at the cabin, where a guy's
just sitting there enjoying some popcorn when the supposedly permanent
cement stuff cracks right open. Teeth be pretty fun. Life here seems
so different, but it's interesting how similar some of our experiences
are. I also felt like something of a victim, and for a while justified
myself in negative thoughts and emotions. Though I technically didn't
do anything "wrong", it separated me from the Spirit just as surely as
committing sin does. Unfortunately Lisa, I'm not sure where 2 kilo
schnitzel or this pizza place are, though I have had a couple doners
from Lipschitzallee. I'll be sure to tell Tina. Missionary mom seems
accurate, not only in being super friendly with us, but she also does
a bunch of missionary work. Referrals, member lessons, inviting people
to activities...basically everything. And yeah, Sister Bertuleit is
(or at least was) in my zone. Connections are crazy. A bookkeeping
date isn't enough Joey. Gotta go deeper than that, or they'll never
come back. On an unrelated note, when we make a baptismal date, we're
supposed to also set a temple date for 4+ weeks later. Tell the
chillun to keep laughing, sillying and cooing. Don't work yourself to
death Dad, or soon enough you'll be the one needing to receive a
blessing at the hospital.

A Doner

Welp, the Greenie days are finally coming to an end. Elder Anderson is
off to Leer (means empty in German), way off in West Germany. I'll be
staying in Neukölln with a new comp, Elder Burns. Haven't run into any
other missionaries yet who know him, but he should be cool. Elder
Anderson and I have gotten the ball rolling in Neukölln the last
couple weeks, so if we can just keep that going, things'll be great.
We've been working hard on loosening up on old investigators and
focusing our efforts in finding new people to teach. Figure it's more
useful to go out and talk to 100 uninterested people than 1
semi-interested person! We can tell Satan is at work, in how it's
always those people that I think will have no interest, or am tempted
to just pass by, that are actually willing to hear from us. This lady,
upon seeing us, put her head down and veered to the other side of the
sidewalk, yet when we stopped her she totally opened up to us and was
interested in meeting.

Granted, that doesn't mean that they're completely ready. We met this
golden guy who, although he wanted to learn more (and also came to
church even though he lives over an hour away), due to a lack of a
long term visa, we can't continue meeting with him. But, there's
always the hope that one day he and the countless others like him will
eventually be ready to accept the Gospel.

Feels like I haven't written like anything, but I'm just about out of
time. Other updates, our long-time investigator Cristian is making
good progress, our awesome baptismal date dude is gonna be taught by
the Tiergarten Elders (he lives in their area), and we're looking
forward to a worldwide mission training thing. Exciting stuff! Keep
moving forward, be a man with all the strength of a coursing river and
have a jolly old week!

Elder Larsen

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